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Information security

Information Security

What is the difference between information security and IT security?

To put it simply: Information security protects all relevant information (we call it data when stored) and is therefore a specialized task, while IT security is primarily concerned with protecting IT systems, networks and their security.

Grid containing content elements

Basic Overview of IT Security and Information Security Topics

More about Basic Overview of IT Security and Information Security Topics

Obviously, the distinction cannot be drawn with the sharpness and clarity suggested by this overview. However, the chart shows the different focus of the two security disciplines. While IT security primarily focuses on protecting your systems and devices, information security focuses on the information required to fulfill the university's core tasks.

Standards and the Eight Pillars

More about Standards and the Eight Pillars

The eight pillars are based on the ISO 27001 standard and the NIST cybersecurity framework (or ICT minimal standard in Switzerland).

The pillars governance nad party Management and Identify are based on the ISO standard, the others are meinly based on the NIST standard.

The Eight Pillars of Information Security

More about The Eight Pillars of Information Security

The pillars are based on the ISO 27001 standard and the NIST cybersecurity framework.

These lists are not exhaustive or complete.